Friday, March 30, 2007

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Friday

The Good:
Got home and my neighbour Steve just dropped off freshly made pesto from his garden
The Bad:
Went upstairs to see my sick Mankmonster - Kitten has another UTI/elevated kidney level thing
The Ugly:
She hadn’t moved all day from the bed and I lifted her to find that she had left a puddle on my pillow.

The Good:
Drinking a G&T on my back porch
The Bad:
My homemade stir-stick/straw is too short to sip from so Sensitive Teeth here has to drink from the glass dipping and bobbing between ice cubes, grrr
The Ugly:
There is massive dove poop under my fence and an inch of dirty dust on the glass table out here - can't a girl just enjoy her TGIF drink at the end of the day?

The Good:
My ex-husband still calls me to chat
The Bad:
He has an investment idea
The Ugly:
He wants us to go in on a restaurant venture…YIKES!

The Good:
Had a lovely time with cK during his visit
The Bad:
He had to go
The Ugly:
Garganto backup on the ramp to Airport Departures (we maneuvered the Mini into the long-term parking lane and I dropped him off on time – Bonus: got out of the parking lot without having to pay! Whoo!)

The Good:
I finally got the collected Wall Street Journals out of the back of the car
The Bad:
There were 40 of them
The Ugly:
I transferred them into the recycling bin and cracked the shit out of my shin carrying them into the garage

The Good:
Baby Ryder's baby-acne is almost gone
The Bad:
His mom picked his cheek zit
The Ugly:
I enjoyed watching it

1 comment:

Hulles said...

As you might guess, the last GB&U is my favorite. I didn't know babies had zits.