Sunday, September 03, 2006

WalMart Walkabout

What was my ass doing in WalMart this lovely Sunday morning? Searching for a plastic-floaty-lilypad-like thing to save the suicidal pool frogs. A ranidae life raft of sorts. I looked in the fake flower aisle, the toy aisle, the garden aisle, and, obviously, the pool aisle. Nothing. Doesn't exist. I mean, if I can't find it in WalMart, it hasn't been invented yet, right? What did I come up with in the end? Well, with Cheri and her "How can I help you?" blue vest attitude, we settled on a Throw and Go. A dog frisbee. A bright yellow, sunshiny, saviour disc.

Will it hold up, or will college students be challenged to outdo the up and coming frog tipping craze? Cow tipping is illegal, but I'm not sure where the law stands on frogs... am I breaking some law?

What's with this interest in saving these damned frogs from a watery grave? It's just so sad to see them floating there, splayed belly down like DaVinci's Vetruvian man, in the medium in which they live and thrive. Live and thrive if there is an exit strategy. None exists in my pool, just an exit waiting room.

But, if that honker that scared the crap out of me this morning (he flopped out from behind a flower pot and made me squeal like a three-year-old...pretty sure I woke up our half of the development) shows up in the pool tonight, well, he can just eat water and die.


Lollie said...

testing new comment protocol

cK said...

Has the new comment protocol worked? I never caught sight of the ad crap that appeared...but I've plenty of things I'll pretend to sell if you ever begin to miss the spam.

I'm watching BONES. I like this show, but I don't know why. It bothers me that I like this show.

Sofia Konstanta said...

привет! помогите советом, ищу где можно купить инструменты для необрезного маникюра, led лампа для наращивания ногтей 12 вт и фрезер для маникюра и педикюра отзывы? работаю администртором в салоне красоты, директор попросила найти, а я не знаю где купить)