Friday, May 16, 2008

It's My First Time

We are going to pick up my BRAND NEW CAR! It's the first time I have purchased a car that doesn't need a sage burning session to rid the vehicle of other people's Carma. Very much so that I have little heartburn. Will post the Price is Right Showcase showoff pictures shortly.


3carnations said...

We have a CR-V and LOVE it. Enjoy.

Whiskeymarie said...

Ooh- I'm thinking of getting a CR-V too. That or a VW Touareg. You'll have to give us updates on how you like it.

If they only would come out with a hybrid version...

cK said...

I'm highly suspicious of this new ride. The old one was so dependable. It seemed to know when to change lanes on the highway....But I'm willing to give it a try (from the passenger seat).
